Coupons are a great way of saving money. When there is a sale on a item and you have a coupon for that item that is when you can save BIG time. I use a program called Coupon Sense. Yes I pay a small fee, but I save SO much money. I feel that it is worth my money to not have to spend all the time to find deals and sales. Right now if you sign up with Coupon Sense and with ME I am going to give away $100 at the beginning of December. How can you qualify? Sign up with me as your instructor and bring 10 friends or family members to join as well. I will put your name in a random drawing on December 1st. However it gets better because for every person you bring to Coupon Sense, they give you a $5 referral fee. So bring 10 friends and get $50 after their third month of membership. Then from me you could get $100. After 10 friends or family members have joined for every 5 other people that join with me because of you I will put an extra ticket with your name into the drawing. Contact me today if interested at
**Members must join with me as their instructor to be valid in the drawing.**
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